Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Yes, I do know how to read

For years, friends have told me that my life could be an episode of a sitcom (hey, Mindy Kaling, need some more material?) or a movie (maybe the American Bridget Jones?!), and everyone and their brother has encouraged me to start writing.  Well, I have been writing... I've flooded my friends' inboxes with tales of the absurdity, ridiculousness, and hilarity that is my life, and instead of taking up all of their inboxes so they can't find the latest RueLaLa sale email (or you know, more important emails about work), I've decided to start blogging.

That brings me to this morning.  For the last couple months, I've been essentially a freelance lawyer.  Another day we can discuss why I gave up being an associate in an oil and gas law firm.  Now I work on a project by project basis on a certain case or government inquiry.  Today I was supposed to start a new product.  I got an email yesterday from my agency telling me that the project would begin at 8:45 am today.  Later in the day, they sent me my employment contract and a bit later, another email with the subject line "Project Update."  It said to arrive on Thursday, June 5 at 9 am.  The day and time were underlined.  Yes, I do know how to read, and, as a contract attorney, I basically read (mostly) emails for a living.  But, somehow I saw that email and all I saw was 9 am and thought the start time was moved back 15 minutes.  (Fifteen minutes might seem like a silly reason to push back a start time but we bill in quarters so it didn't seem odd to me).  There I am sitting in office's kitchen area this morning.  Alone. Just me and Kelly Ripa on tv.  (Why can't I have a stylist every day to do my hair? I would look cute every day too. Okay, not Kelly Ripa cute but whatever).  Other attorneys I've worked with in the past walk by, grab coffee, and try to wake up.  The office coordinator isn't there yet, no one related to my project seems to be around.  Finally, the attorney in charge of my case comes by and asks why I'm there.  I look at him as if he has two heads (have you not had that coffee yet??) and tell him that the project is starting at 9 am and apparently everyone else is aiming to arrive right on time and it's 3 minutes until 9 at the moment.  I'm the early bird.

And, indeed, I am the early bird... because the project doesn't start until THURSDAY.  Not Tuesday.  I was 3 minutes and TWO DAYS early.  So glad I dragged myself out of bed, begrudginly put makeup on, and sat in rush hour traffic!  At least I didn't get made up Kelly Ripa style.  Then I would've cared.  Instead, I head home telling myself I can spend the day crafting instead... and starting a blog.

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